1. 从<老人与海>浅议当今社会人与自然的关系
Brief Discussion on the Relationships between Human Beings and the Nature from <The Old Man and the Sea>
2. 浅议<嘉莉妹妹>中人物形象及其社会意义
Brief Discussion on the Personnel Imagines and their Social Significance in <Sister Carrie>
3. 读<荆棘鸟>有感
Reading Responses of <The Thorn Birds>.
4. 英汉习语的文化差异和翻译
The Cultural Discrepancy and Mutual Translation of English and Chinese Idioms.
5. 提高英语阅读速度的主要障碍
The Main Obstacle of Speeding English Reading.
6. 中学生英语兴趣的培养
Training of English Interests of Secondary Students.
7. 中学生英语自主学习能力的培养
Training of English Independent Study Abilities of Secondary Students.
8. 浅谈宝洁公司产品商标名称翻译
Brief Discussion on the Translation of Trade Mark Names of Products Made in The Procter & Gamble Company
其中也可以简单翻译为:Brief Discussion on the Translation of Trade Mark Names of P & G's Products.