
新奥尔良烤翅 New Orleans chicken wings

奥尔良烤腿堡 Fort roasted leg Orleans

劲脆汉堡 Jin crisp Hamburg

葡式蛋挞 Portuguese egg tart

炫豆蛋挞 Xuan beans egg tart

墨西哥鸡肉卷 Mexican chicken vol

上校鸡块 Colonel Place chicken

圣代 St. generation

薯条 Fries

脆皮甜筒 Inside recognizes that

全家桶 Family barrels

玉米沙拉 Corn salad

藕挂花拌藕 Lotus Pro Mix lotus root

汤 Soup

冰爽茶 Plane tea

胡萝卜餐包 Carrot meal kits

番茄酱 Tomato Sauce

酸甜酱 Sweet and sour sauce

甜辣酱 Sweet sauce

烤肉酱 Barbecue Sauce

餐巾纸 Napkin

食品袋 Food bags

冰 Ice