
Mercedes has been the name of the world's most innovative car brand for more than 100 years now. When Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft (DMG) delivered its first Mercedes on 22 December 1900 it started a dynamic development culminating in the inception of the global company DaimlerChrysler AG in the late 20th century. Today Mercedes-Benz is the most successful premium brand. Its technical perfection, quality standards, innovative impact and numerous car legends such as the 300 SL Gullwing are unique. The Mercedes star became the most famous symbol of a car brand and is one the world's best known trademarks today.

“梅塞德斯”作为汽车业创新的代表品牌,在世界已经有一百余年了。当戴姆勒于1900年12月22日它起头动态发展达到高潮在全球性公司.时至20世纪晚期,今天的奔驰车是这个最成功的优质品牌.它的技术完美, 质量标准, 创新冲击和许 多汽车传奇譬如300 SL 等车型都是很独特。 梅塞德斯星成为汽车品 牌的最着名的标志和是一个世界上今天好已知的商标!!!!!!!!